Why look for a youth mentor?
The world of a teenager today is saturated with technology and social media and all the pressure that this brings. At a time when puberty triggers changes to the brain and a person’s capacity to reason and regulate emotions, young people are subjected to the stresses of living and viewing life online. The impact of this has led to a decline in mental health amongst teenagers who are suffering more and more from depression, anxiety, loneliness, lack of sleep and a loss of social and communication skills. A negative shift in school attendance and behaviour is widely noted, especially following the Covid pandemic and the switch to and back from home learning. Whilst parents and schools seek to rise to the challenge of supporting Teens through the minefield of youth, many young people report they don’t feel listened to or comfortable to share their thoughts and feelings. A Mentor can break down these barriers and open up a new world of communication and self-reflection that brings with it development and change.
How does mentoring help?
The relationship between Mentor and Mentee is key. Having a positive role model that has time to listen effectively, provide encouragement, inspiration, guidance and support results in the young person feeling more included and better equipped to manage whatever the world throws at them. A Mentoring relationship focuses on empowerment and the idea that the Mentor is “walking alongside” a young person on their journey to Adulthood. The relationship is not judgemental or loaded with expectation but a journey together of self-discovery and self-belief. Most importantly mentoring guarantees young people feel that there is someone for them, that they are not alone, they are being listened to and cared about. Mentors champion young people and advocate for them when needed. Mutual respect and trust mean mentees engage fully and feel able to face challenges and new life experiences with the Emotional Toolkit they have acquired through their mentoring programme.
What changes happen with Mentoring?
Mentoring has been proven to make improvements in:
· Emotional wellbeing/ Mental Health – working on coping strategies for low level anxiety and mood helps teens to understand what they need to do when they feel in crisis or unable to cope. Working with a Mentor strengthens teens' capacity for better emotional regulation.
· Behaviour (at home and school) – working with teens in how they can develop more positive relationships with peers and adults, how their behaviour impacts their choices and future, and how they can make more positive choices leads to a significant shift from negative behaviours that may in the past have led to sanction and a greater feeling of isolation and hopelessness.
· Relationships – teens develop their skills in communicating with others and as a result enjoy more effective relationships with adults, peers and family members.
· Academic performance and achievement – Mentors provide support and encouragement for teens to reach and perhaps surpass academic/educational goals as well as developing a healthy work ethic.
· Aspiration and goal setting – Mentors provide focus to setting and achieving life goals and give Teens an increased sense of purpose.
· School attendance and engagement
Mentoring reduces;
· The likelihood of risky behaviours like drug taking, alcohol misuse, involvement in criminal activity, violent or anti-social behaviour and unwanted teen pregnancy.
· The need for staff attention in schools to be focused on the minority of students seen as disruptive and disrespectful.
· The impact of Adverse Childhood experiences (ACEs) on the future of affected teens
· The risk of teens withdrawing and isolating themselves at home, school or in the community
· The impact of social media on teens and provides more realistic and identifiable expectations.
Teen Engagement and Mentoring (TEAM) can provide a range of mentoring opportunities to teens at school or in the community. Whilst some teens may benefit from a short programme, others may need a period of several months to feel confident to navigate the world in which they currently feel lost. TEAM mentoring can turn " I can't do it" into "I CAN do it"!!